Free download: Discern by Doing

Coaching for people doing good in the world, who need to do it differently.

Whether you work in a church, volunteer, or have dedicated your professional life to another big institution like academia or a non-profit, things can get complicated.

You still believe in the mission of the institution and see the good that it's doing in the world. You love the community. You also know that you can't go on like this.

Big Picture Big Purpose helps you sort out your next steps, inside or outside the institution you love. Sometimes that means igniting a new passion for your current calling. Sometimes that means going somewhere else to start a new fire.

We work with mainline pastors, priests, church-adjacent business owners, higher education professionals, sometimes entire congregations ... anyone who is ready to redesign their calling and how they want to live it out.

Download the first five steps of Discern by Doing as a free pdf, and see if our proven process of reflection and action is a good fit for you.

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What others are saying ...

"Dawn helped me focus on things which give me life, both creatively and vocationally, and I have excelled in both areas because of it."

~ Brenda Bos, Bishop, California

“I have tons of ideas, but I’ve never been good at getting things done. Dawn's coaching made me do my homework, and because of that I’ve quit my job as an IT and Sustainability Executive Consultant and started a non-profit to introduce STEM programs into schools in Zimbabwe.”

~ Blessing Tawengwa, Founder, NYC

I highly recommend working with Dawn. As I have been growing and rethinking my business, I find myself often recording the avalanche of ideas that she presents as soon as I describe a business challenge."

~ Christopher Harris, Digital Ministry Coach, Texas

Meet Dawn

Dawn Trautman founded Big Picture Big Purpose in 2005 to coach ministry professionals, non-profit leaders, and purpose-driven business owners into healthy change-makers in their personal and professional lives.

What sets her apart from other coaches is how she has one foot in and one foot outside the church, combining the wisdom of psychology, marketing, and entrepreneurship into a deep knowledge of the complexities of faith communities, academia, and non-profits. Her work has been described as "strategic," "action-oriented," and "relentlessly positive without being unrealistic."

After earning a Masters in Youth & Family Ministry at Luther Seminary and being a youth director at two large suburban churches, she earned an additional Masters in Organizational Psychology at New York University. She combined those degrees to become one of the first National Board Certified Life Coaches in the United States.

She spent many years serving ministry leaders from all over the country by designing and producing the MainStage component of the ELCA Extravaganza. She has also worked at two large charitable non-profits, as a professional (Equity) actor, and a Macy's giant balloon handler. On weekends she volunteers at her church's food pantry in New York City, which serves up to 24,000 meals a week. The best way to get to know her is to follow her on Instagram.

She is also a frequent speaker, workshop leader, and podcast guest. For public speaking and media inquiries, please email Choice Media and Communications at

"Dawn is like my fairy godperson. Her prophetic imagination has led me into great leadership insights and helped me steward my gifts for the sake of the world. She also has a wonderful balance of very practical insights and action steps that make it a reality.”

~ Pastor Katie Baardseth, Wisconsin

"I used to spend hours online trying to figure out what to do next for my business, and then additional weeks procrastinating about doing it. Dawn helped me fast track my dream.”

~ Rebecca Larkin, Illinois

“When I started working with Dawn I was overworked and underpaid. She helped me get a salary increase of 65% and find ways to streamline my job so that I could see new possibilities in my work and life.”

~ Pastor Matt Keadle, California

This is not self-help.

This is community care.

Big Picture Big Purpose serves people who deeply value their communities but may not be currently served by them. We help people reengage with their current community, find new calls, develop new passions, and launch new businesses. Like most coaching, it is action oriented, but the action is a way of gathering information from your existing community or to reach out to new ones. It's all part of a system called Discern by Doing. Download the first five steps today.

Meet Jill.

Jill was a half-time priest working full time hours when she came to me to figure out how to keep her head above water. The church needed lots of “mothering,” but she wasn’t finding enough time to mother her own three teenagers.

Together we reduced her workload through delegation and boundaries, but her diocese continued to ask her to do more. She realized that she was not alone: many women were given these struggling parishes that were considered part time, but the demands were immense and draining while also being incompatible with home life. Because of our work together, Jill is now on leave, enjoying her teenagers, and bravely speaking up to the local bishop about creating better support for other female priests.

Explore how God is calling you to be a change-maker.

Download the first five steps here.

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